Over Land 提花开衫

Over Land 提花开衫 - 矿物棕

$180.00 USD
Over Land 圆领毛衣

Over Land 圆领毛衣

$115.00 USD
这款中长毛衣采用 50% 牦牛毛和 50% RWS 美利奴羊毛奢华混纺面料制成,优雅而温暖。在寒冷的季节保持舒适和时尚。
Over Land 短款毛衣

Over Land 短款毛衣

$135.00 USD
穿上Above Land 短款毛衣,保持舒适和时尚。这款毛衣凭借其舒适的版型和时尚的设计,成为本季的必备单品。这款百搭单品可在任何场合盛装或便装,提升您的衣橱品味。
女式 Shambala 100% 牦牛绞花毛衣

女式 Shambala 100% 牦牛绞花毛衣

$170.00 USD
穿上我们的女式 Shambala 绞花毛衣,让自己尽享奢华。这款毛衣由 100% 牦牛制成,不仅极其柔软温暖,而且具有可持续性。凭借其永恒的绞花针织设计,它是您冬季衣柜的完美补充。这款必备单品让您保持舒适又时尚。


$90.00 USD
Over Land 经典长款开衫

Over Land 经典长款开衫

$190.00 USD
这款开衫的灵感源自西藏草原的自然美景,是我们的Above Land 系列的一部分,该系列从该地区的土地、山脉和矿物中汲取灵感。采用牦牛毛、羊驼毛和羊毛的奢华混纺面料制成,温暖、质感且时尚。


$130.00 USD
喜马拉雅女式 V 领拼色毛衣

喜马拉雅女式 V 领拼色毛衣

$100.00 USD
用喜马拉雅女式 V 领拼色毛衣提升您的冬季衣橱。这款针织毛衣属于我们的喜马拉雅系列,采用对比色,设计时尚又舒适。它由优质牦牛毛和羊毛混纺制成,是在寒冷月份保持温暖和时尚的完美选择。
Shambala 100% 牦牛千鸟格连帽开衫

Shambala 100% 牦牛千鸟格连帽开衫

$290.00 USD
穿上我们的 Shambala 千鸟格连帽开衫,让自己充满温暖和奢华。这款开衫采用 100% 牦牛毛制成,双色提花呈现永恒的千鸟格图案。它不仅提供无与伦比的温暖,而且还散发着优雅和风格。 这款开衫的设计充分考虑了您的舒适度,配有舒适的针织兜帽,非常适合寒冷的日子。前面的大口袋方便存放必需品,而双头拉链则增添了实用性。 穿上我们的 Shambala 千鸟格连帽开衫,尽情享受终极舒适体验。无论您是外出还是在家闲逛,这款开衫都是您衣橱的完美补充。保暖、时尚,拥抱 100% 牦牛毛的奢华。
Above Land Jacquard Sweater

Above Land Jacquard Sweater - Wood Green

$120.00 USD
Experience the natural beauty of the Tibetan grasslands with our Above Land Jacquard Sweater. This luxurious sweater from our AW23 collection blends yak, alpaca, and wool for warmth, texture, and...
Above Land Jacquard Sweater

Above Land Jacquard Sweater - Earth

$120.00 USD
Experience the natural beauty of the Tibetan grasslands with our Above Land Jacquard Sweater. This luxurious sweater from our AW23 collection blends yak, alpaca, and wool for warmth, texture, and...
Women's Shambala 100% Yak Eternity Sweater

Women's Shambala 100% Yak Eternity Sweater - Winter Green

$170.00 USD
Stay cozy and stylish this season with the Women's Shambala Eternity Sweater. Crafted from 100% yak, this sweater is perfect for chilly days. Its knitwear design adds a touch of...
Women's Shambala 100% Yak Eternity Sweater

Women's Shambala 100% Yak Eternity Sweater - Blue Haze

$170.00 USD
Stay cozy and stylish this season with the Women's Shambala Eternity Sweater. Crafted from 100% yak, this sweater is perfect for chilly days. Its knitwear design adds a touch of...
Women's Shambala 100% Yak Eternity Sweater

Women's Shambala 100% Yak Eternity Sweater - Cranberry

$170.00 USD
Stay cozy and stylish this season with the Women's Shambala Eternity Sweater. Crafted from 100% yak, this sweater is perfect for chilly days. Its knitwear design adds a touch of...
Women's Shambala 100% Yak Eternity Sweater

Women's Shambala 100% Yak Eternity Sweater - Ceylon Yellow

$170.00 USD
Stay cozy and stylish this season with the Women's Shambala Eternity Sweater. Crafted from 100% yak, this sweater is perfect for chilly days. Its knitwear design adds a touch of...
Women's Shambala 100% Yak Eternity Sweater

Women's Shambala 100% Yak Eternity Sweater - Dusty Wind

$170.00 USD
Stay cozy and stylish this season with the Women's Shambala Eternity Sweater. Crafted from 100% yak, this sweater is perfect for chilly days. Its knitwear design adds a touch of...